Put on your muckboots, let’s check out the garden.

Step into your muck boots and let's go for a quick check on the garden after a couple days of rain.
men's muckboots in spring garden soil

You’re a real gardener if you have a pair of really good muck boots! These ones are the Statesman Superior Field Agrunner which you can get at most Agway stores. My husband and I like these boots because we can easily fold over the top (which has a “handle” hole) which makes these boots ready to slip into in a jiffy, no matter how thick your pants are!

The sun peeping out after the rain beckons us to the garden to see updated growing progress. In April, our garlic plants are doing really well. Our quick visit to the garden surprises us as we realize how humongous our garlic plants really are! They must be over a foot high. 

Can’t wait to dig up these garlic plants this summer after the tops die off. They’ll probably be very photogenic super garlic bulbs!

raindrops over garlic plant in soil
Here's a close look at the garlic leaves, embellished by the afternoon rain.
garlic plants growing in the spring
This photo was taken in April 2023, and our garlic plants have become gigantic, with leaves over a foot tall!
headshot of ling messer commercial photographer

Meet Ling, the photographer

Connecticut native. Idaho graduate. Previous Oregon resident. Cowgirl-turned-photographer.

Story-telling photography business owner since 2013. Videographer since 2018. Photography with artificial studio lighting or God’s sunshine.

Wife, dog owner, and friend of many dogs and people.

Have an upcoming project for a client? Let’s chat. Whether it’s Zoom, phone, email, or in person over wine or coffee, I’m game. 


Ling Messer



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